Good Food, Naturally. Know What You Eat!
Health is rooted in what you eat. By mimicking nature Yampa Valley Farms raises animals with peak health in mind. We feed our animals diets similar to those found in nature. Using rotational grazing and foresting, natural pesticides and high-quality mineral supplements our animals are an integral part of a healthy farm, a healthy planet and a healthy person.
Scottish Highland Cattle
Because we handle our herd on a daily basis, along with the fact they mature in nearly twice the time of an angus cow, we get years of soil ammendments from each animal. through the summer we move our cows onto fresh pasture daily through a system known as intensive grazing. By following the herd with a flock of egg chickens, whose job it is to turn the manure into the soil, we are able to capitalize on the benefits provided by this natural fertilizer.
Highland meat is considerably healthier, with less fat, less cholesterol, and more protein per pound than conventional beef as is discussed in this University of Glasgow study. And for more information on the benefits of rotational grazing and grass finishing, is a great resource.
Berkshire & Duroc Pigs
Berkshire and Duroc pigs are two breeds of hog very well suited to our system. Our pigs are forested through the summer, meaning they are able to run freely, forage and root through the aspen and scrub oak hillsides surrounding our farm. Along with being leaner, our pork is notably more red, with a more distinct, juicy and rich flavor. Kept free from pests naturally using a mechanical insecticide, and using no other grownth stimulant, our pork is the best available.
Mangilitza Pigs
Also known as the "wolly pig," the Mangaletza breed is considered to be rare. Originally raised as a lard animal, and praised for it's rich fats, the Mangaletza nearly went extinct when the industry moved toward leaner breeds. The 21st century food renissance is bringing back an interest in the Mangaletza.
Wagyu Cattle
Popularized by the Kobe region of Japan, the Wagyu cow is most well known as Kobe beef. The Wagyu cow is slender compared to our Scottish Highlands. Also a slow growth animal, our herd of approximately 20 Wagyu fit in nicely at Yampa Valley Farms.
Pastured Eggs
Chickens are a vital component of our fertilization program as well as producers of delicious eggs. By following the cattle with our egg hens we are better able to capitalize on the fertility available in each cow pie. The chickens till up the cows waste, eat the nutritious fly larve in the menure and add their own fertilizer to the pasture as we move them in their custom eggmobile onto fresh pasture daily through the summer.